different types of Rodents found In Southwest Louisiana
Cotton Mouse
Commonly found in wooded and swampy areas, these little creatures sometimes find their way into homes. Cotton mice take their name from the observed habit of using raw cotton in building nests. These little rodents have dark brown bodies and white feet and bellies. Their tails are short and sparsely haired.
House Mouse
The house mouse has been domesticated as the pet or fancy mouse. These mice have the stereotypical large ears, thin tails, and slender bodies that you probably picture when you think of a mouse. They thrive in highly populated areas.
Deer Mouse
The most common rodent that you will see in your attics, garages and other dark areas is the deer mouse. Recognizable by their light brown fur and white underbellies, they are usually known to be the "cutest" of mice. Don't let that fool you. They carry a lot of diseases that can easily spread to humans.
Black Rat
Slightly smaller than the brown rat, black rats have more pointy snouts and larger ears. They are excellent climbers. Black rats often eat bird seed, grains, and any other crops that they can get their paws on.
Brown Rat
The most common rat is the brown rat. These are usually seen in large cities hanging out in sewers and dirty streets.These rats congregate anywhere that people live, particularly in urban areas, because they live off of food scraps and trash. Brown rats carry and can spread a wide range of diseases to humans and animals.